Inspired Homemaking with Rahima Baldwin Dancy

An online course for parents with Rahima Baldwin Dancy

Three weeks starting Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Live Zoom Call with Rahima on Saturday morning (10/19)


Imagine a home life that is nourishing for every member of the family, including yourself!

Join Rahima Baldwin Dancy online for this three-week class in which you will build up a picture of your home life.

  • Explore what is working for you and what isn’t on the physical, rhythmical, emotional, and spiritual levels of your home
  • Be inspired by the experiences shared by Rahima and other participants
  • Determine what you want to do next toward creating a home life that is more supportive for every member of the family

How Will This Course Work?

Every Wednesday for three weeks you will receive two new lessons including:

  • Videos with Rahima and others
  • Suggestions to guide you in exploring the various levels of home life
  • Inspiring and thoughtful articles, blog posts and other resources
  • Practical activities to try plus questions to explore with Rahima and other participants in our lively online discussion group

BONUS: Live Zoom Call with Rahima on Saturday morning (10/19) during the last week of the course — or listen to the recording at a later time.

This course will work for you regardless of your living situation or how much time you spend at home! Designed for parents with children of all ages, it can be accessed at any time in the future to “re-create” the picture again as your children grow or your life situation changes through moving, having a new baby, or other events.

Details of the Course Content

A new focus in each lesson:

  • Home-making, NOT House work!
    Exploring together the importance of intentional home making and the cultural forces affecting it today
  • Level One: Physical Aspects
    Looking at the physical aspects of your house or apartment can reveal what is important to you and the “gesture” of your home
  • Level Two: Rhythmical Aspects
    Considering the daily, weekly and yearly activities of family life
  • Level Three: Emotional Aspects
    How are the relational aspects and what is the emotional tone of family life?
  • Level Four: Spiritual/Values Aspects
    What are your “Family Values” and how can they guide your life together?

By exploring these four different “levels” of your current home—just as it is—you’ll be uniquely ready to bring new awareness and intention to consciously creating the kind of home life your heart desires, one which is supportive to every member of the family, including yourself!

About the Instructor

Rahima Baldwin Dancy is appreciated for being a compassionate and humorous presenter on the dilemmas of parenting. She is internationally known as the author of You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, Encouraging your child’s natural development from birth to age six, which has been translated into nine languages. Prior to becoming a Waldorf early childhood teacher in 1982, she authored Special Delivery and was a pioneer in the homebirth and midwifery movement. Rahima was a founding board member of LifeWays North America. She and her husband, Agaf, have raised four adult children and now enjoy having five grandchildren. They live in Boulder, Colorado.

“Amazing as usual! Thank you for your time and personal replies. You are an inspiring mentor.” ~ S.M., Wisconsin

“The insight on the rhythm topic has been so helpful. It was exactly what I needed…Thank you for the tools I needed to offer the home life I envisioned for my family. “ ~ Lindsey

“The rhythm section was a revelation!…By acknowledging how long things really take, and recognizing how much I’m already doing, I can hopefully get our family settled into a realistic, nourishing rhythm. The concept of spaciousness really hit home during this course as well.” ~ Martha

Register for This Course

Cost $99; Groups of five or more $66 each.

Refund Policy: Fees will be refunded in full up to 7 days prior to the start of the course, and at 50% if student cancels enrollment less than a week in advance. Fees are nonrefundable after the start of the course.

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