A New Approach to New Year’s Resolutions by Faith Collins

[NOTE: This letter originally went out to the members of Joyful Toddlers‘ teleclass in 2013.] by Faith Collins: Most of the people I know are not very interested in New Year’s Resolutions; they either laugh a bit cynically, or they’re against them altogether. Last year at New Year’s I participated in a lovely day-long dance workshop and […]

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Giving to Children: What Our Children Really Need, by Jaimmie Stugard

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By Jaimmie Stugard When I was pregnant with my first child, my mailbox swelled with unsolicited parenting magazines, ads and baby life insurance offers.  Just open your pocketbook, the ads implied, and you can procure all the items your unborn baby needs to get ahead in the world she hasn’t even seen yet.  You can

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LifeWays as Life’s Ways: Looking Back and Growing Forward, by Pamela Perkins

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by Pamela Perkins What value beyond personal enjoyment might there be for someone in her mid-sixties enrolling in a LifeWays training, especially someone who has ‘already been there’ with much of the content? Interestingly, the answers to this question arose only in retrospect, after I had finished my yearly round of the four sessions. When

LifeWays as Life’s Ways: Looking Back and Growing Forward, by Pamela Perkins Read More »

Setting the Tone for Festivals

Have you ever wanted to do something special for a festival and then thought, “No, I could never get all of the parents to keep their voices down/sit still/wear appropriate clothing/sing the same song”?  See how Susan Siverio helps the parents at Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center, to prepare for their Advent Spiral in

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