Living Arts Weekly: Connection & Inspiration

February 9, 2020


As I write this there is still a debate in the media (social and otherwise) about the thing that was most important this past week — whether the Super Bowl halftime show was enthralling or appalling. By the time this blog post comes out, I am sure we will all have moved on to the next cataclysmic thing, like Donald Trump rudely not shaking Nancy Pelosi’s hand at the State of the Union address, or her equally sassy response of ripping up his speech. We are fickle that way — our emotions run high and fast.

Are you tired? I know I am.

I don’t need more rhetoric, or more distractions, or more entertainment. And I don’t need more information.  I need Inspiration.  I need connection. You, too?

And yet, we are busy.  We are needed by so many people that to take time away from caring for others would be seen as selfish.  To spend money on our own self-care and self-development would be ungenerous.  So we go along, putting ourselves on the back burner, hoping to someday take that course, or go on that retreat, or meet up with that friend. In the meantime, we guiltily escape from our lives for brief moments that add up to hours of time on social media, debating about the super bowl halftime show, and posting cheeky memes about politics. But what we need is connection and inspiration.

I’m saying this as much for me as I am for you: Please. Take that course, go on that retreat, meet up with that friend. As Parker Palmer reminds us, be a good steward of your soul. Because you are the only one who can offer your gift to the world.

Blessings on your week,

Mary O’Connell, Your Living Arts Weekly blog editor

Nurturing Care

Join us for the LifeWays Fundamentals Course, a unique training opportunity that combines a five-day in-person retreat with yearlong online mentoring and support.  Retreats happening in two locations starting this summer:

Tucson, AZ and Boulder, CO

Here’s what this year’s Fundamentals students have to say about their experience —

About the five day in-person retreat:

“I attended the five-day Fundamentals course at Kimberton where I met so many inspiring women who are devoting themselves to nurturing the many young children in their childcare settings. I am so excited to be a part of this program.” – Karen F.

“I attended the retreat in Portland Oregon with a really beautiful group of caregivers. I was inspired everyday by Dre, all the wonderful teachers, and my classmates.”  – Sally W.

“I attended the Fundamental Course course in Kimberton, PA this summer. It was an amazing retreat and such a wonderful gift for myself.” – Anna Z.

“I loved my time in Portland with Dre and my classmates. Every day was such a gift, and at the end of the retreat I felt rejuvenated and inspired to continue this important work.”  – Jessica E.

About the guided online instruction:

“Thank you so much for this course. I am so grateful for the abundance of passion and knowledge shared not only from this course but also from the wonderful women sharing their experiences here. It has given so much insight into my own class and will serve as a vital foundation to my own motherhood one day. Blessings!”   -Mia I.

About the live video conferences for Q&A with Cynthia and Mary:

“Thank you again for the great conversation. The advice I have received from the conferences continues to be invaluable! This course has really helped to shape and guide our program to becoming something we are extremely proud of. I am very thankful to be able to share all the wisdom shared with my team.”  – Kelly P.

Read more about the Fundamentals Course here.