Working with a Child’s Angel and Sleep, Part 3 of 3 by Cindy Brooks and Joya Birns

You may wish to dialogue with the Angel of your child (or of someone else with whom you have a conflict or for whom you are concerned) to gain guidance. This exercise gives suggestions for how to approach the Angel of another person and engage in a continuing dialogue.  


The first step in this practice is to develop genuine interest in and a deep desire to understand the child or other person with/for whom you are concerned.  


Once you have taken this step, begin to observe the child/person so that you can form a clear image of him or her. This observation should be done lovingly and with reverence. The content of the observation can be all the details that help build up a true picture of the child/person:  how he walks, how she speaks, how he dresses, how she reacts in specific situations, his qualities and habits. It is helpful if you can begin to feel a kind of tenderness arising within you for this child or person, even for all the things that ordinarily contribute to your difficulty or conflict with him/her.  


If observation of the child/person as described in step 2 is not that easy for you or useful, consider completing the Self and Child Observation and Imagination Exercise [see previous blog entry]. This may help you separate your own thoughts, needs and feelings from your child’s/this person’s.


The next step is to form an image or symbol to represent the child or person. Put your attention on the child, reviewing all the things you have felt and recognized about him/her in your observation process (1-3, above). Then close your eyes and ask your inner imagination for an image or symbol that represents him/her at this time, as described in the Self and Child Observation and Imagination Exercise.  


Just before you go to sleep at night, and after you have reviewed your day, consider what question you would like to ask your child’s Angel or the Angel of the other person with whom you are concerned. Write down your question.


Then clearly picture the symbol or image of your child or the other person for a minute or so. It can be helpful to see yourself standing at the end of a bridge facing the child’s Angel, who you see standing on the bridge and awaiting your communication.  Offer your picture to the Angel.  If you do not have a clear image, simply offer your interest and intention to better understand.


Then ask a question of the Angel.  For example, you might seek guidance for how to better understand your child and your child’s needs at this time, or how to resolve the difficulty you are having with your child or the other person.


If you cannot form an image or symbol to offer the Angel, you may simply approach the Angel in prayer, requesting guidance for yourself out of a deep wish for the health of the child and for the health of your relationship with her/him.


Upon awakening, pay attention to your first thoughts, awarenesses or dreams.  Notice the feeling that is in your heart as soon as you are awake.  These subtle feelings and awarenesses may give you an indication of the Angel’s answer to your question or prayer. Write them down. 


During the day, pay attention to what happens, what inspires you, what occurs to you, synchronicities or chance happenings.  Inspirations and intuitions may occur to you. At the end of the day write these down. Then prepare as above for another meeting with the Angel. As you continue to engage in this practice, you may begin to notice you are finding your way to a new understanding and way of being with the child or other person with whom you are concerned.


You may repeat this process as often as you like, to enrich your understanding and bring deeper wisdom to your parenting.

Cindy Brooks is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and graduate of the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training. She combines the insights of Jungian and depth psychology, Anthroposophy and neuroscience in her work as a therapist and parent educator. She has been working as a therapist with children, families and adults for more than 20 years. She is co-author with Joya Birns of Discovering Joy in Parenting: The First Seven Years, a Waldorf-inspired parenting guide.  For further information see
Joya Loveday Birns has been a Waldorf teacher and mentor in a number of Waldorf communities across the U.S. since 1982, specializing in early childhood, handwork, the arts, parent support and educational support (Care Group). She currently teaches arts and crafts for both children and adults. For many years she co-facilitated a variety of Waldorf-inspired parenting activities and events in Santa Cruz and Northern California. Joya lives with her husband in Santa Cruz, CA. Her daughters attended the Rudolf Steiner School in NYC and the Waldorf School of Lexington, MA.