
Some Ideas About High Expectations

Get practical ideas for interacting with children when Faith speaks about 5 Ways to Transform No into Yes at the National LifeWays Conference on May 18th, 2013.  She will also offer an afternoon workshop on Allowing Children to Help, looking at fostering competence in children. High Expectations vs. Unrealistic Expectations I was talking with a

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Starting Daycare and Saying Goodbye

(Note:  this article is re-printed with permission from the blog Joyful Toddlers.  The original article can be viewed here.) Dear Miss Faith,               My little guy is starting daycare and while I’m sure that it will be a wonderful, loving place for him, I am dreading dropping him off and saying goodbye.  We have had a

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The Art of Apples in the Fall

Because young children love stories, and magic, and anticipation, it can be especially enriching for children if we add those three aspects to any project that we do with them. Let’s take the idea of making Apple Crisp: it can be done in half a morning.  Simply chop up some apples, stir in some cinnamon

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

I didn’t mean to be a gardener. Somehow it just happened -or did it? My earliest memories of gardening were the ones of an annoyed teen being forced to help dig and build beds for a large succulent garden that would one day become the front yard for a LifeWays center in San Diego set in

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Letting Children Say YES!

After experimenting with a natural, authentic home rhythm and routine to suit our values, needs, and interests over the yeras, it was a joy to see that healthy habits and a sense of responsibility have taken root.  I’ve been sick for over a week with a flu and fever.  Last Monday, on my third day

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Saying YES to Motherhood

By Mara Spiropoulos                As I sit here writing, momentarily free of my children, I find myself reflecting on all that our family has recently experienced. My husband lost his job about five months ago, and because of this we have had our fair share of financial difficulties, which

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