Children In Nature

Here at The Orchard, our in-home, LifeWays-inspired child care place, being outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold, is a given.  It is also a challenge because, although we value and promote unstructured free play outdoors, we look for opportunities to share nature together. Apart from unstructured, surprise encounters with nature, this happens in two […]

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Milwaukee LifeWays Gains Paradise Farm

Paradise Farm is the home of the new garden for LifeWays Early Childhood Center in Milwaukee.  Mary O’Connell, director of LifeWays, and her husband Jim have recently become owners of this historic farm about 45 minutes northwest of the city. It’s the perfect location to grow natural, pesticide-free produce for the children and caregivers at

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Outdoor Play!

Outdoor play!  Grass to roll down, gardens with mint and nibbles to eat as it is all edible, a pit to dig in, rain water to play in, room to run with little hills and slopes, boards and driftwood to balance on….no expensive outdoor play equipment needed! Dirt is not dirty, rain is for catching

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

I didn’t mean to be a gardener. Somehow it just happened -or did it? My earliest memories of gardening were the ones of an annoyed teen being forced to help dig and build beds for a large succulent garden that would one day become the front yard for a LifeWays center in San Diego set in

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The Habit of YES

The Habit of YES I’m pleased to share that an article of mine has been published in the lovely online magazine Rhythm of the Home.  If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look!  My article is titled The Habit of Yes, and can be found by clicking here. Warmly, Faith Collins  

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Letting Children Say YES!

After experimenting with a natural, authentic home rhythm and routine to suit our values, needs, and interests over the yeras, it was a joy to see that healthy habits and a sense of responsibility have taken root.  I’ve been sick for over a week with a flu and fever.  Last Monday, on my third day

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