Search Results for: rhythm

Home Nurturing, by Pamela Perkins

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Pamela writes:    Whenever I think about my four granddaughters, all born between Michaelmas and Easter, I smile with deep joy and pleasure. Who would have thought that I would have the priceless opportunity to relive the wonders of birth and babyhood, to share in those seemingly moment-to-moment miraculous transformations as each of them has developed

Home Nurturing, by Pamela Perkins Read More »

A Visit to Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center

A Visit to Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center in Lincolnville, Maine Recently Elizabeth Lunt, Kindergarten Teacher at Ashwood Waldorf School, visited Spindlewood and wrote this observation. Driving onto the Spindlewood site is somewhat like driving into an enchanted world.  At the end of a long unpaved road, the surrounding buildings are of a delightful

A Visit to Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center Read More »

Laughter and Versatility, by Mara Spiropoulos


[Editor’s Note: This article explores personal experiences with two of the attributes of “The L.O.V.E. Approach to Discipline” developed by LifeWays founder, Cynthia Aldinger.  To learn more or to share your own experiences, see information at the end of this article. L – laughter and listeningO- order and objectivityV – versatility and vulnerabilityE – enthusiasm

Laughter and Versatility, by Mara Spiropoulos Read More »

Parent Development by Jane Sustar

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Jane writes: Back when my now 17-year-old Gustav was a baby, I started going to a moms’ group at our church. We moms spanned a wide range of backgrounds: educational, economic, even religious. Our director picked a mothering book to read and we took turns presenting a chapter each week. We discussed the ideas presented

Parent Development by Jane Sustar Read More »

LifeWays as Life’s Ways: Looking Back and Growing Forward, by Pamela Perkins

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by Pamela Perkins What value beyond personal enjoyment might there be for someone in her mid-sixties enrolling in a LifeWays training, especially someone who has ‘already been there’ with much of the content? Interestingly, the answers to this question arose only in retrospect, after I had finished my yearly round of the four sessions. When

LifeWays as Life’s Ways: Looking Back and Growing Forward, by Pamela Perkins Read More »