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SPRING 2023 Newsletter – The theme for this newsletter is Presenting Words: how do we speak to, around and about the children in our lives?, with articles like Speaking Mindfully with Young Children; Nursery Rhymes In a Silent Circle Time ; About Language for LifeWays; Diapering for Connection and Communication; Connecting through Silence, plus news from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Summer 2022 Newsletter – The theme for this newsletter is Making Space: Environments that Nurture the Soul, with articles like Creating a Play Garden; Field of Dreams; Nuturing Care with Transitions; In the Garden, Again!; Summer Tales - The Honeysuckle Cafe, plus news from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Winter 2022 Newsletter – The theme for this newsletter is Winter Games ~ Thriving and Striving, with articles like The Winter Garden, A Story; Little House Reflections ~ Winter 2022; Little Mice in the Snow, A Movement Game; Even the Youngest Children Thrive in Indoor/Outdoor Nursery Settings, plus a letter from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Summer 2021 Newsletter - The theme for this newsletter is Grieving and Rebuilding, with articles like Strengthening Roots and Finding Routes during Quarantine; Nothing Could Have Prepared Us For What We Witnessed in 2020; The Garden School, Lifeways in Marin, year of the Pandemic ~ 2021; Doing Grief in Real Life: A Soulful Guide to Navigate Passages of Loss, Death & Change, plus a letter from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Winter 2021 Newsletter - The theme for this newsletter is Sewing Seeds of HOPE, with articles like A Homeschool Family Finds Tools for Connection and Hope; Sowing Seeds of Hope by Bringing Attention; 'Miss Mouse' Stories Affirm Hope During Separation; Maintaining Community and Connection During Isolation, plus a letter from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Special Edition Newsletter This newsletter is a response to the circumstances we are all experiencing in this time of Covid-19, framed as an Invitation. Following an INTRODUCTION there are five parts: FINDING FREEDOM, MEETING FEAR, SUPPORTING CHILDREN'S INNATE NEEDS AT THIS TIME, SCREEN TIME, and MATTERING. Enjoy!
Summer-Autumn 2019 Newsletter The theme for this newsletter is Truth, with articles such as Speak out your truth about early education; The Truth in Struggling with Our Children; The Truth in Family Stories; Truth is So Simple for Me!; Celebrating What is True, plus a letter from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Winter-Spring 2019 Newsletter The theme for this newsletter is Beauty, with articles such as Wool Felt and Drift Wood ~ Toy Making with Young Children; The Beauty of Pure Spirit; Beautiful Crows; Cultivating Beauty in our Children’s Lives; Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder; plus a letter from Cynthia, news from LifeWays programs and trainings and more.
Autumn 2018 Newsletter This issue's theme is Finding the Goodness all Around Us with articles such as Cherishing Goodness, Holding Hope; Goodness Gracious! – The Brain and the Heart; Ten Ideas For Everyday Goodness; Ten Ideas For Everyday Goodness; Autumn: Goodness; The Goodness of Storytelling and Puppetry and more. As always, there's an introductory letter from Cynthia Aldinger, plus news of trainings and workshops around the country.
Summer 2018 Newsletter In this edition we look at multi-age and multi-generational care with articles such as: LifeWays Principles throughout the Life Span; Seeing Our Imprint ; Mothering the Mothers; and Grandparent’s Day in the Firefly Kindergarten. As always, there is an inspiring introduction from Cynthia Aldinger, as well as news from the trainings and announcements of upcoming workshops and trainings.
Spring 2018 Newsletter - In this edition we explore the theme, Ages and Stages. Articles include: Potty Training – A lesson in “Educating the Will;” LifeWays and Positive Transformation in My Work; The Sense of Touch and the Will of the Young Child
and more. As always, there is an inspiring introduction from Cynthia Aldinger, as well as news from the trainings and announcements of upcoming workshops and trainings.
Winter 2018 Newsletter In this edition we explore the theme, Living and Embracing Joy. Articles include: Sharing Your Joy with Children; The Joy of Home Nurturing, and the Nurturing Joy in One’s “Inner Home”; Joy in a Life Foreclosed; I Know What JOY Feels Like!
and more. As always, there is an inspiring introduction from Cynthia Aldinger, as well as news from the trainings and announcements of upcoming workshops and trainings.
Autumn 2017 Newsletter In this edition we explore the theme, A HARVEST MENU ~ Nourishment, Gratitude and Love. Articles include: Nurturing and Nourishing at The Rose Garden; From Our Table to Yours; Nurturing Qualities of the Apron; Nourishing Head, Heart, Hands & Soul; A Gastronomical Journey; and more. As always, there is an inspiring introduction from Cynthia Aldinger, as well as news from the trainings and announcements of upcoming workshops and trainings.
Summer 2017 Newsletter In this edition we explore the theme, Finding Fairyland: Introducing Earth, Wind, Fire and Water into Outdoor Play. Articles include: Allowing Space; Relating to Nature, Rather than Examining Nature; Fostering My Relationship with Nature; Earth, Water, Air and Fire; Living in Nature's Encircling Love; and more. As always, there is an inspiring introduction from Cynthia Aldinger, as well as news from the trainings and announcements of upcoming workshops and trainings.