Living Arts Daily: Nature Play While Social Distancing

April 2, 2020

Encourage your kids to look for nature everywhere you go.
It’s the weed breaking through the pavement,
It’s the leaves forming small clumps along the side of the road.
It’s the sky at any given time of the day or night.
It’s the wind doing what it likes to your hair.
Look around, it won’t take long to find it.
~Penny Whitehouse

One of the easiest things to make with found materials in nature is a mobile. Any collection of objects hanging from a branch can be considered a mobile…leaves, shells, paper cut outs, flowers or pine cones…whatever you like!

First you need to find a nice branch that still has a few smaller branches on it.
Find some strong cotton string or wool yarn.
Attach a string to your found objects…make each string a different length.
Attach string and objects to different parts of the branch. Add a long string across the top to hang…making sure it’s all balanced and not tipping to one side too much.

Hang up outside, on a porch or in the house! Change your found objects with others throughout the year!

A favorite resource for nature crafts is Snips, Snails and Walnut Whales by Phyllis Fiarotta

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