Care Begins With Me

  Audio Package with Judith Frizlen Talks and Tips for Women About Setting Healthy Self-Care Rhythms “When we are in the position of caring for... Read more
Price: $25.00
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Life as the Curriculum for Young Children

Workshop by Cynthia Aldinger Audio recording, mp3 format. What young children really need can be provided through the Living Arts—domestic activity, nurturing care, creative exploration... Read more
Price: $12.50

LifeWays Forms

This compressed (zip) download of documents contains many of the forms that may be helpful to the person beginning a child care business, either in... Read more
Price: $15.00

Nurturing Our Children—and Ourselves

Keynote address by Cynthia Aldinger Audio recording, mp3 format. How can we find our way to simplicity in living that supports our own well-being and... Read more
Price: $12.50

The L.O.V.E. Approach to Discipline

  Workshop by Cynthia Aldinger Audio recording, mp3 format. Learn about this practical multi-faceted approach to child guidance based on listening, laughter, order, objectivity, versatility,... Read more
Price: $14.95