
Letting Children Say YES!

After experimenting with a natural, authentic home rhythm and routine to suit our values, needs, and interests over the yeras, it was a joy to see that healthy habits and a sense of responsibility have taken root.  I’ve been sick for over a week with a flu and fever.  Last Monday, on my third day

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Creating a YES Environment

Creating a YES! Environment By Simone DiMarzi     What does it mean to say YES when taking care of children birth to three?  The child’s first words are often “No.”  One of the best ways not to chime in with the children and always have to say “No” is to create a YES environment.  The

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Saying YES to My Older Self

Dearie, Hon, Sweetie: Saying ‘Yes’ to My Older Self by Cynthia Aldinger                Hmmm?   Not sure when it happened the first time – it may actually have gone unnoticed but I seriously doubt it!  “Here, let me help you with that, sweetie.”  “How kind,” I probably thought and accepted assistance with gratitude.  “Here you go,

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Saying YES to Nudges

  Nudges for Transformation By Missy Whaley, Certified Lifeways Instructor, Home Program; Rainbowheart and Wings.  M.F.A. Dance, L.M.T. missymoo4peace@yahoo.com I say yes to nudges. What are nudges? They are the whispers in our souls that guide us to our purposefulness. I celebrate the courage and strength it has taken and takes to follow these nudges. My

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Saying YES to Motherhood

By Mara Spiropoulos                As I sit here writing, momentarily free of my children, I find myself reflecting on all that our family has recently experienced. My husband lost his job about five months ago, and because of this we have had our fair share of financial difficulties, which

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Math and Science in the Kindergarten Waldorf Early Childhood Settings

By Lisa Gromicko Steiner-based, early childhood settings abound with rich opportunities for the development of math and science concepts.  This may be surprising to some who can easily see the beauty, language, and coziness of the Waldorf kindergarten, but not necessarily the mathematical or scientific side.   A primary focus of Waldorf early childhood education is

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Foundations for literacy, numeracy, honesty, integrity and lifelong learning

By Cynthia Aldinger, Founder and Director of LifeWays      Can daily life really be a curriculum?  Can little children truly be prepared for the rigors of academic life through play and through participation in practical activities of the household?  What are our ultimate goals, hopes, interests on behalf of our children and the children in our

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