
Setting the Tone for Festivals

Have you ever wanted to do something special for a festival and then thought, “No, I could never get all of the parents to keep their voices down/sit still/wear appropriate clothing/sing the same song”?  See how Susan Siverio helps the parents at Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center, to prepare for their Advent Spiral in […]

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Starting Daycare and Saying Goodbye

(Note:  this article is re-printed with permission from the blog Joyful Toddlers.  The original article can be viewed here.) Dear Miss Faith,               My little guy is starting daycare and while I’m sure that it will be a wonderful, loving place for him, I am dreading dropping him off and saying goodbye.  We have had a

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Celebrating the Jewish High Holidays of September, by Mara Spiropoulos and Maya Levanon


In September, we celebrate the festival of Michaelmas, with Michael the archangel and his expulsion of Lucifer from Heaven. We often tell the story of St. George slaying the dragon and saving Princess Una and the rest of the village, for St. George is the earthly representation of Michael. On the blog this month, we

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The Art of Apples in the Fall

Because young children love stories, and magic, and anticipation, it can be especially enriching for children if we add those three aspects to any project that we do with them. Let’s take the idea of making Apple Crisp: it can be done in half a morning.  Simply chop up some apples, stir in some cinnamon

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Rhythms and Routines: The Warp and Weft of LifeWays Childcare for the Very Young, By Pamela Perkins

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The infant is born out of the powerful surrounding rhythms, warmth, and security of the maternal sea, into a jarring world of light, air and unprotected sensory input. She is now totally dependant upon the love, consciousness, and responsiveness of her caregivers. In the days, weeks and months that follow, the baby will have to

Rhythms and Routines: The Warp and Weft of LifeWays Childcare for the Very Young, By Pamela Perkins Read More »

Pumpkins All Year Round!

Children love the jolly jack-o-lanterns, but at Spindlewood we like to keep our pumpkins alive all year round, beginning with hunting for them in the overgrown summer garden.     Then we keep one to stand guard until the frost on the pumpkin finally renders it food for the sheep and chickens.     We save some

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