
Tune In To Life: The Benefits of Unplugging the Screens in Early Childhood

~ By Mary O’Connell

Many childcare providers and parents would like to decrease screen time for young children, but are short on support and suggestions for what to do instead.  Loaded with ideas, helpful hints, and personal stories by Mary O’Connell about how she successfully eliminated screen time from her home childcare program, Tune In To Life gives parents and professionals the tools you need to offer engaging and easy-to-implement activities to replace screen time.

The book starts with Mary’s lively, humorous and engaging description of children at play and how they move though the captive nature of screen images to true imaginative play.  Then suggestions are organized around the acronym “P-I-N-G”—Play, Involvement, Nature and Games. Lots of good research and resources are included throughout to help you sort out the facts from the fiction. This 23-page booklet is a wonderful resource to give to every child care provider and parent you know—the children will thank you!

“READ THIS NOW!  Then order a copy for every parent in your child care center or home and for every friend with children.  It is like medicine to wake us all up from our sleepy, hazy unsure approach to reducing screen time for children.  The beauty of it is that it is short, easy-to-read, humorous and heartwarming, and thought provoking all at the same time!”   ~ Cynthia Aldinger, founder of LifeWays North America

Price: $2.95 as PDF