Join me at the hearth on Star Dance Farm, in this year of tremendous challenges in the world and within ourselves, share in the warmth of the fire and the dancing light. As I strive to digest all that’s coming toward me, all that’s coming toward us in the Waldorf community, in my local community of Munith, Michigan, in our nation, and in our world, I find myself seeking solace and balance in many ways. Here are a few practices that I have found enliven hope. My wish is that you will find at least one gem here that sooths your heart and soul.
So, sit with me if you will, and ponder…….
A Verse for Our Time
We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.
We must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future.
We must look forward with absolute equanimity
To everything that may come.
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
Namely, to live out of pure trust,
Without any security in existence.
Trust in the ever present help
Of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening. – Rudolph Steiner
It is as if Rudolph Steiner is here with us now……and in one sense he actually is here with us.
This verse written long ago may be even more true in these times today.
Trusting in the ever present help of the spiritual world is our only hope!
Trust in the ever present help
Of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening.
Trusting in the ever present help of the spiritual world is our only hope!
Truly, nothing else will do.
Without trust in the spiritual world our courage to do what needs to be done, will fail us.
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Hmmm……he didn’t say to seek the awakening from the evening news, the Good Morning America newscast, the latest CDC guidelines, the BBC’s take on the US, NPR, the NY Times or Wall Street Journal, the daily high-tech, interactive map tracking the spread of the corona virus, and on and on and on. Now, these all have their places and are important in the right time and space. Yet, in terms of our well-being, our resilience in adversity, our ability to cultivate hope within ourselves
……let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening.
Ahhh……every morning that I wake up feeling well rested and positive about the day ahead?
Every morning that I have time? Every morning that I feel like it? No….no….no……
Every morning!!!
…….and every evening.
Every evening that I’m not too tired? Every evening that I’m “free”? Every evening that I feel like it?
No, no, no………
….every evening!!!
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening.
Say YES! every morning…….say YES! every evening to the awakening from within ourselves. Say YES! to accepting the love of the spiritual world in the form of their help. We are required to seek it though! Then, there is grace too. I find though, the more I seek, the more grace abounds.
Trusting in the ever present help of the spiritual world is our only hope!
~ Poetry ~
The heart is a thousand-stringed instrument
that can only be tuned by love. – Hafiz
I love this daily reminder over the hearth. Through love, I open my heart to embrace all that comes toward me: the gifts that might be missed otherwise, and the challenges inviting transformation. Gifts of finding new ways to connect, practicing the art of connecting across time and space, which is not unlike connecting across the threshold with a departed loved one. Challenges invite transformation that can only happen through love. And there is so much to transform these days!

How can we spread this “happy virus,” in a time when fear and its many forms are rampant? How might we “kiss” each other safely in this corona time, touching one another in inspiring and supportive ways? How can we offer warmth, love and connection in these strange times? Any gesture imbued with love is a gift that touches another’s heart. There are so many ways we can bless one another with a “kiss” in many other forms. For starters; sending a care package to a dear one far or near; bringing baked goods to a neighbor’s porch; sharing kind words with a colleague, out of the blue; expressing gratitude; honoring another’s presence in the market, despite wearing a mask, let your light-filled eyes give them a “kiss” of warmth and acknowledgement; sending a song or poem of inspiration to a friend; writing a letter or sending a card. For the young child, the healing touch plays of Wilma Ellersiek are a tremendous gift, in these times when touch and human connection are sparse. See the videos of a couple of touch plays at the end of this article!
~ Singing ~
In These Times

Often, I awake being sung by In These Times. It has brought me great comfort and the ability to hold the big picture…….the really big picture, despite outer circumstances. In troubled moments, singing this allows me to get outside of myself, to get beyond the problem at hand, and to see a better way.
Snowflake Bright

The young child experiences a snowflake with wonder and delight. This little song captures the essence of the snowflake floating light and free…….ahhh to be light and free in my heart and soul! This picture of the snowflake floating from heaven free, invites an experience of expansiveness far beyond our personal space. The simple image, the beautiful song with rhyming verse, can bring peace and joy for us adults too.
Winter Barnyard

The creatures great and small, delight the young child to no end. The animal’s sounds, their gestures, their ways with each other and with people. All this captivates the young child. The donkeys keenly listening ears, full of expression and care. The young child delights in feeding them apple wedges and feeling their surprisingly soft lips. The sheep with their deep, warm fleece and great curiosity and zeal! Feeding the sheep, the child feels a quick unexpected nibbling, tickling their own palm. The goat bleats, inviting us to the barnyard to sing and play. She is most eager for a treat and with great anticipation she climbs high on the fence. She swiftly gobbles her food leaving the young child wondering what happened? And for us, to observe and to feed the animals, we too have this rich sensory experience, allowing us to get out of our heads and come “in” to a place within ourselves, where in this moment, all can be well!
~ Loving Touch Plays ~
In these little plays by Wilma Ellersiek, the child experiences wonder and self-discovery. (Click on each title)
The beetle dances round the child’s body geography in a most playful way, bringing squeals of delight and lots of giggles! The wonder of discovering their own physical body. The child experiences uninhibited joy. As adults and care givers, we too experience the healing nature of this loving touch. What a joy for us as adults, to experience life through the eyes of the child as they experience newfound self-awareness.
Enjoy the gesture and gentle touch of the snowflakes with your children!
In our world today there is much to have us shrinking in our own bodily space, recoiling from terrifying, chaotic, ever-changing circumstances. Yet, in order to meet these challenges, we must find a way to expand our space out beyond our physical body, into personal, interpersonal, social, and supra-personal spaces. This concept from Spacial Dynamics™ allows us to be free in choosing how to meet the world as appropriate.
In love……wonder……gratitude…….compassion…….
generosity……nature……community……creatures……and spiritual practice,
in these things, I find hope for a brighter future for us all, each and everyone!
Blessings of this sacred winter time,
Lynn St. Pierre
Lynn St. Pierre is a Lifeways faculty member and has taught in training courses in Boulder, CO and is now offering online seasonal gesture plays, loving touch and circle games by Wilma Ellersiek. She presents this work at Waldorf teacher training centers, conferences and schools around the world. On Star Dance Farm in Michigan, she offers deepening courses and retreats for early childhood educators. For parents and teachers there are zoom courses, video subscriptions and seasonal videos available via the website: Lynn is a certified teacher trainer for the early childhood developmental movement created by Wilma Ellersiek and a Spacial Dynamics™ practitioner.
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