LifeWays National Conference ~ Workshop Descriptions

Workshops are filling up fast!  Register now to secure your first choice.

A.  The Joy of Seasonal Stories as an Essential Tool in Caring for and Supporting Children, with Suzanne Down

We will talk about the healthy impact of stories through the year as we create a sweet lap puppet for a delightful summer story to use at home and in your programs. Young children experience puppets in such a profound way.  They are an important part of our toolbox when it comes to bringing magic and wonder into daily life, and they serve as an essential “partner” in helping children navigate challenging behavior.  Material fee $5.00 per person, payable directly to the instructor; you must register in advance for this workshop–no drop-ins.

B.  Allowing Children to Help as a Fundamental Tool for Discipline, with Faith Baldwin Collins

Discover how to meet children’s needs and get your housework done at the same time, in ways that feel centered and enjoyable.  With the ideas and strategies presented in this workshop, you will help your children become competent, helpful, and connected as you move through the day together.  Eliminate power struggles and have your days go more smoothly than ever before.

“[Since your class] I have been doing laundry and washing dishes with the kids and I actually look forward to it now.  It is like we are part of a team and it feels like the day is a lot more seamless.  I am no longer figuring out ways to keep them excluded from tasks.  I have found that my house has never been cleaner or less stressful.”  (Former workshop participant)

C.  Connecting With Children as the Basis of Discipline, with Steve Spitalny  (Sorry, this workshop is full.)

This workshop offers tools for truly communicating with young children based on their development. So we first will take a brief look at early childhood development, particularly in terms of the child’s developing sense of self. And we will look at tools for the adult to stay connected to their own calm center so there is a possibility of responding based on the child’s needs rather than the adult’s deep-seated reactive patterns.
We will consider traditional methods of motivation – sticks and carrots – and consider if there are other options when conflict arises.

Finally, we will consider the importance of overcoming adult fears and anxieties. Fear and anxiety prevent connection, yet the young children need the warmth of truly human connecting. We can learn how to be more aware and mindful so we become an example of living joyfully for the children.

D.  Parenting with Spirit:  An Inspiring and Nurturing Path to Joy in Parenting, with Joya Birns and Cindy Brooks

           In this workshop we will be looking at the inner world of the parent as the key to a joyful life with toddlers:  how can we parents keep our physical, mental and spiritual balance and well-being while parenting rambunctious and energetic little ones?!  We will focus on care for the body, soul and spirit.  We will touch on how to nourish the body through rhythm, sleep, food, sensory life and exercise.  We will focus on the crucial importance of presence and attunement to the child and to oneself, self-study and self-regulation skills as we look at caring for the soul.  We will share about communicating with the angelic realm through the use of symbols as a powerful practice for spiritual guidance that can help you become more sensitively connected to your child’s (and your own) essence and purpose. 

          We hope to help you create more success, positivity and grace in your day-to-day life with your children and more joy, peace and confidence in yourselves.

E.  Children’s Massage to Calm and Connect, with Thea Blair

The warmth of human touch and security of body contact, are without question, the most effective way to reduce violence in our culture. Fragmentation and isolation of human relationships, the denial of true intimacy and the pleasure it implies, builds into the brain a predisposition for anger, rage and violence. The opposite is also true. It is really that simple.  ~ James Prescott

Nurturing touch works like magic to bring calm and friendliness, and can help to reduce discipline issues. In this workshop you will learn the science behind the magic of touch. You will also learn the physiology of the fight or flight reaction and why it is so difficult to reason with your child when they are stressed. This knowledge will empower you to make choices as a parent that are in accordance with your values.

This workshop is also very practical. You will learn simple, fun, clothes-on massage routines from my DVD, Playful Touch. This DVD will be available for sale at the special event rate of $10. Nurturing touch should be a part of every parent’s or caregiver’s emotional first aid kit. You will bring harmony in your home and classroom; joy in your relationships. Bring a pad/yoga mat and a big lightweight blanket.

We forget that touch is not only basic to our species but the key to it.”  ~Dr. Saul Schanberg


F.  Alegria del Ano Ritmico, con Rosario Villasana

Gracias a cómo celebramos las fiestas en cada estación, el niño puede vivir profundamente, aunque aún inconscientemente, las estaciones del año. A través del juego y de los preparativos para una fiesta anual, se percibe la naturaleza,  las fiestas como tales representan puntos culminantes dentro del año. Pero tan importante como la fiesta misma, es el tiempo de preparación, el vivir acercándonos hacia ese día—la alegría incluye el cocinar, manualidades, cantos entre tantas actividades.

Conceptualizing a Spanish-speaking Lifeways Center in Marin County (Ages 0 to 7)

Join us for a brief announcement about a budding initiative at 12 Noon

Those who are interested in an in-depth conversation are invited to a dinner discussion after the conference.  We will explore these questions:
1) How strong is the need for an inclusive center that would serve a broad economic spectrum of children and families?
2) Who might have the time, talent and resources to build a center?
3) What would the timeline potentially look like?

Imaginando un Lifeways Centro en Español para niños de 0 hasta 7 Años en el Condado de Marin

Venga a un breve anuncio sobre una iniciativa en semilla a las 12 del mediodía

Aquellos que estén interesados ​​en una conversación mas profunda son invitados a una cena después de la conferencia. Vamos a explorar las siguientes preguntas:
1) Determinando la necesidad para un centro inclusivo a todas las familias que quieren participar?
2) Identificación de personas potenciales con pasión, tiempo y talento, y además, las fondas para financiarlo
3) Cuanto tiempo necesitaríamos para desarrollar el proyecto?