Living Arts Weekly: Life Goes On

June 28, 2020

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah

La-la how their life goes on

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah

La-la how their life goes on

–The Beatles

 Hi Everybody,

How are you?  Michael (my husband) and I had an interesting conversation recently where we both noted that we felt as if we are waiting for something, yet could not figure out what it is that we are waiting for.  I’m sure many of you might say, “Well, that’s a no brainer!  We are all waiting for this craziness to be over!!”  And, of course, you would be right!  Yet, it feels a bit more mysterious to me, and if it comes to light I will definitely let you know.

My interpretation of what I read from a few forward-thinking folk is that “IT” is not going to be over for a long time.  COVID19 may go away (or least diminish over time).  And our current hyper-vigilance (which it should be) on racial equity and justice will hopefully render long overdue changes in policies, laws, organizational forms, community support, and devotion to the healing of wounds created not only by design and evil intent but also from silence and inaction spawned by ignorance.

As the old expression goes, this too shall pass, and it is our hope that the passing will render greater understanding, better life choices, and real and sustainable love toward one another.  I believe it is possible and plan to do all I can to help make it be true.

Still, I find myself reflecting on “IT”, what we call “the long haul”.  I sense that there may be a series of environmental, social, physical and spiritual tsunamis lined up and ready to start sending wave upon wave on us over an expanse of time.  I would love to be wrong about this.  However, just in case I’m not, I hope to be open, present and courageous for whatever may come.  Fear, I have learned, is not tenable, progressive or creative.  We are learning so much from our recent events, and, if we are awake and active, we can meet the next waves with integrity and purpose.

So, when I think of the qualities of “open”, “present” and “courageous”, I think of my grandchildren.  They are young, spirited, live completely in the present moment, and courageously meet and embrace whatever they encounter.  La-la how their life goes on.  And how do I see this demonstrated – they play.  Ob-la-di Ob-la-da

In the midst of all the cultural upheaval, I see them and observe how they are so purely present and open.  My grandchildren are blessed, I know, in that their burdens are few as compared to too many children in our world.  Yet, they represent something universal to almost all young children – the qualities of presence and openness and courage.  They meet the day in however it is presented to them.  And, even in the most dire circumstances, you are likely to catch a young child in at least a moment of playfulness.  Ob-la-di Ob-la-da 

And wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, I know numerous new ones who have been born during this historical and challenging time.  They, these spiritual beings fresh from the realms of the divine, they are coming still.  La la how their life goes on.  Let us devote ourselves first and foremost to providing these beautiful children with models of fortitude, integrity, dignity, and, may I say it, even joy, in the face of whatever comes.  Let us honor their openness, their presence by living our lives with those same qualities – open to what stands before us and present in our courage to become the gatekeepers of what is good and beautiful and true.

May it be so.



5 thoughts on “Living Arts Weekly: Life Goes On”

  1. Christi Nordoff

    Well said, Cynthia! And lovely to see a photo of your son, Tim, and his daughter – how old is she? La, La, life goes on, indeed! Love to you and Michael.

  2. Christi Nordoff

    Cynthia, so nice to see a photo of Tim and his daughter! Blessings on your family. Love to you and Michael, Christi

  3. Inspiring as always! I remember the formations of Lifeways and now the beauty of the seeds you planted are all around this precious world. My gratitude to you for all you taught me the years that seem like only yesterday thank you for continuing the conversations of love hope and joy. I am now teaching in a small village above the Arctic Circle your and Mary’s teachings are always our daily foundation.

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