December 29, 2019
The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.
– Thomas Kempis
We know that the strength of a building lies in its foundation. With high-rise buildings touching the sky these days, it has become all the more important to have powerful foundations. When we expect great things from a building, we know we have to lay the groundwork that keeps the building standing strong against the forces of nature.
Equally important is the foundation built for the child in early childhood development. We must ensure a strong foundation is created for all later learning to stand upon. If the foundation is not strong, the child may encounter difficulties in grade school, high school, or beyond. Scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner identified a framework of twelve senses that educators and parents can work with to support children’s development. The first four of these are called the Foundational Senses, and by supporting the healthy development of these senses in the early years from birth to age seven, we can help our young children build a strong foundation for life.
A curriculum for the young child that is built around supporting the Foundational Senses is a therapeutic education, and our children are in great need of this curriculum!
Please join Cynthia and Mary for our NEW online course that begins January 8th: Building a Strong Foundation.
Here’s a preview of one of the wonderful resources in this course! Cynthia and her grandchildren demonstrating the burrito wrap, a game that nourishes the sense of touch:
For participants in our new course, each Wednesday, a new lesson will open with a variety of learning activities.
- Week one focuses on the sense of Touch
- Week Two explores the sense of Life
- Week Three will get us talking about the sense of Self-Movement
- And Week Four will examine the sense of Balance.
Each multimedia lesson is filled with practical care suggestions for parents and childcare providers or teachers and includes:
- Inspiring written material with plenty of photos
- Lively videos
- Links to further reading and resources
- A weekly written discussion forum with your instructors and fellow students
Learn on your own time and at your own pace. Lessons are sent each Wednesday and then are always accessible for ongoing reference. Childcare providers and early childhood teachers needing continuing education will earn a certificate for 15 hours through their active participation in and completion of the course by February 15, 2020.
We hope you’ll join us! Click here to register!