Living Arts Weekly: Rhythm during Chaos

August 9, 2020

Only humans are permitted to live without rhythm in order that they can become free. However, they must of their own accord bring rhythm again into the chaos.  – Rudolf Steiner

My family moved back to our hometown of Kansas City, Missouri this past weekend, and as with every great transition that upheaves your secure daily life, it has left us all feeling out-of-sorts. Our belongings are in boxes, the rooms are at various points of painting and repair, and nearly every moment is being spent trying to settle into the space physically. To support all of us through this transition, my husband and I are leaning on our daily rhythm- even as it has fallen back to its “bare bones.” We come together to eat, rest, and play or work together in the same order, and roughly the same times, as we always have.

For years I have known why a rhythm is incredibly important for children, but it hits me from time to time in a more personal way. Amid the transition of our family life and on-going transition of pandemic life, I feel a sense of calm knowing that building up our rhythm again will provide resilience and strength for each of us. And at least in the immediate demands of unpacking and cries for emotional support, I can count on the relief of our daily break for lunch and nap!

All that said, creating and holding a sustainable rhythm that responds to the needs of a family of seven (we have now joyfully chosen to live with my parents) with a variety of activities, work and school situations, and personality differences is a lot of work.

That is why I was so very inspired by Tracy Z in her visioning of whole family services that includes providing parents with support in creating “a more sustainable and family driven rhythm”. Tracy is currently participating in the LifeWays course, Re-thinking Care and Education: Developing Programs Outside the Box. In the course, she also envisions mentoring and consulting with parents to provide resources and equip parents “so they feel confident guiding their child’s education”. What a service to parents who are facing the possibility of distance-learning or homeschooling for the first time, right?

Already full of intention to hit the trails of Kansas City’s metropolitan area with my own family, I also loved the rest of her vision- Outside Family Enrichment.  Tracy imagines this program could include a small group of families, maybe four, who meet together outdoors two mornings a week to garden, create art, tell stories and enjoy a campfire experience, too. What a gift of connection, centering and joy this service could be to whole families! I love that Tracy is inspired at this stressful moment in time to find new ways she can support the families she has been working with, and make an impact that will far outreach them all.  I wonder, what other ways can we reach out to support whole families in the coming year?

All the best,

1 thought on “Living Arts Weekly: Rhythm during Chaos”

  1. Jamie Hegelbach

    Sooo very cool! Families coming together probably like they did in ancient times!
    This is how I think nature intended humans to be together together as a community ! Connecting authentically!

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