Trish has been a nurse since 1992, having graduated when her second child turned 3 years old. Soon after this she found Anthroposophic Medicine through Waldorf Education. Resigning her position in a surgical ICU at a large teaching facility, she stepped into a small Anthroposophic medical practice in Fair Oaks California. There she worked doing oil dispersion hydrotherapy and Anthroposophic nursing with various therapists and physicians for four and a half years. In 2005 she completed her Masters in Nursing and obtained her Family Nurse Practitioners license and national certification as an FNP. For the last several years she has been in private practice, emergency medicine and teaching workshops. She recently completed a 5 year study in Anthroposophic Medicine. Trish is passionate for the health of young and old and doesn’t miss an opportunity to educate about the importance of fever and appropriate convalescence. Trish brings a lively experience of self-care and care of the child to the LifeWays training. Some students refer to it as the ‘spa’ part of the training as they go home feeling so refreshed and strengthened.