
Susan Silverio

Susan Silverio was the founding teacher of Ashwood Waldorf School in Rockport, Maine, providing the multi-age kindergarten for 20 years near her three-generation family homestead in Lincolnville where she is now the director of Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center, She holds a B.A in liberal arts and has worked as a social worker and in providing emergency shelter and transitional housing for women and children. Susan is an organic gardener and beekeeper and enjoys rowing and sailing small craft in all seasons. 

“I believe firmly that in a child’s early years, the foundation is laid for his or her entire life: for their health and well-being, for their sense of relationship with other human beings and with all realms of nature.  It is about giving the child the opportunity to play, to explore, to be outdoors, to experience the arts and the spoken word, living images, stories and music. It is about giving them something worthy of imitation, inwardly as well as outwardly. In this way a child finds a sense of inner authority.”  ~ Susan Silverio