Search Results for: rhythm

Letter from Cynthia, Summer 2015

                It is with much fondness and loving memories that I read the offerings in this summer newsletter.  Thanks to all who contributed and to all who will read and enjoy learning more about how to bring joy and delight to our children through rhythmical songs and games.                 As a kindergarten teacher, once I

Letter from Cynthia, Summer 2015 Read More »

A New Room by Sandra Schmidt

        As I wait for my new suite to be completed, I have had the time to think about how well I do with transitions and change. Just when I think the move is imminent and I start to prepare myself for the new rhythm we will have in our new surroundings, a delay occurs

A New Room by Sandra Schmidt Read More »

Change by Tammy Treviranus

This spring has brought some changes in terms of our teachers and administrators. However, amazingly, everything feels very much the same as it always has at LifeWays [Milwaukee]. The rhythm of each day and the cyclical rhythms of the seasons provide us all, especially the children, with security. Several years ago, when my now teenage

Change by Tammy Treviranus Read More »

Nourishing and Nurturing: The Care of the Caregiver – A Mother’s Journey By Adrienne E. Nagy

I was a total and complete basket case. When I first decided to embark on the LifeWays training in the winter of 2007, I was right in the middle of a full-blown authenticity crisis. A new second-time mother with a 7-month-old and nearly 3-year-old daughters, I was experiencing the very difficult learning curve of acclimating

Nourishing and Nurturing: The Care of the Caregiver – A Mother’s Journey By Adrienne E. Nagy Read More »