March 23, 2020
In these times, in these uncertain times, I will remain open to the miracle that is each moment.

from Stacy Ito (San Francisco Bay area LifeWays Early Childhood Training)
Hello dear friends!
A Story
I just love the message and simplicity of this story. It’s short enough that it could be used at the table before dinner, or it could stand alone. I plan to do a very simple puppet story with my girls with it. Even my 10 year old and 7 year old still love puppet stories, especially ones with depth.

A Recipe
I want to share this super simple recipe with you all. My 5 year old and I just made a big batch, and smaller ones could definitely participate too. Very fun!
We made nut butter-immunity balls. They’re super simple and very versatile—swapping ingredients is no problem as long as they stick together! I’ve loosely based my recipe on Rosemary Gladstar’s “Zoom Balls.”
Here’s what I did (I did not measure):
• 3/4-1 Cup nut butters (I mixed almond, peanut and sunflower butters)
• 1/3-3/4 sweet tasting honey
Warm those items in a pan and stir with a spatula until they mix easily. Remove from heat and put in a bowl.
• 3/4 Cup Navitas Immunity Daily Superfood Boost (You can make your own mix, like in the Zoom recipe, but I found this product on sale and love the powdered mushroom blend in it, it’s organic, AND my kids like the orange flavor. Win!)
• 1/8 Cup finely chopped dried apricots
• Small handful of mini chocolate chips
Allow the nut butter mixture to cool a bit, but not too much, then add in the powder/herbs, apricots and chocolate chips.
• about 1 Cup of shredded coconut
Roll into kid bite sized balls, allowing the balls to warm slightly in your hands. This will help with the next step. Then roll the balls in the shredded coconut.
Pop those little balls in the ‘fridge and then let the kiddos snack on them throughout the day. Or take them with you on your nature walk. They travel well!

A Song
Christine Margetic has shared this song with us before, and it came sailing back to me this morning as I cooked with my children. We learned this song from Anna Rainville. Here is a video of Cynthia singing the tune.
In these times, in these uncertain times,
I will remain Open,
To the Miracle that is each moment.
Remember there is a light shining out there, and within us all. Together we shine brighter, even when physically separated. May love, family, friends, healing plants and inspiring stories help us to shine.
With love,