
Sparking Empathy by Jerilyn C. Burke

Sparking Empathy By Jerilyn C. Burke   empathy: noun 1. the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another 2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself   I often ascribe feelings to objects when I […]

Sparking Empathy by Jerilyn C. Burke Read More »

Transforming Circle Time for Mixed-Age Groups By Rahima Baldwin Dancy

Transforming Circle Time for Mixed-Age Groups By Rahima Baldwin Dancy I have found that the “typical kindergarten circle” learned in Waldorf early childhood training needs to be simplified and changed in different ways for a preschool group of two- and three-year-olds or for a mixed-age group of children. At Rainbow Bridge we had a mixed-age

Transforming Circle Time for Mixed-Age Groups By Rahima Baldwin Dancy Read More »

The Play’s the Thing: “Spontaneous Theater” with Mixed Ages By Faith Collins

The Play’s the Thing: “Spontaneous Theater” with Mixed Ages By Faith Collins What can we do to promote imaginative play in young children?  How can we encourage and facilitate children playing together in ways that everyone enjoys?  How do we help integrate the play of mixed-age groups?  How can we increase our enjoyment of spending

The Play’s the Thing: “Spontaneous Theater” with Mixed Ages By Faith Collins Read More »

Forest Kindergarten at Seaside Playgarden, Jacksonville, FL by Lynn Coalson

Lynn Coalson writes: Greetings from sunny Northeast Florida, home to Seaside Playgarden, a LifeWays Representative Program, and the first in Florida.  The Seaside Playgarden, located just two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, is a perfect place for children to explore, grow and create. We focus on the whole child: head, heart and hands and offer

Forest Kindergarten at Seaside Playgarden, Jacksonville, FL by Lynn Coalson Read More »