Letter from Cynthia Aldinger ~ Autumn Newsletter 2017

Blessed Autumn, Dear Friends,

Do you know what I love about this newsletter? I love that the articles are written by LifeWays graduates from as far back as 1999 and others who just graduated this year. Each of them is deeply engaged in her life’s work, and we all benefit from that. Whether working for the LifeWays organization, homeschooling their own children, supporting mothers and fathers, caring for children in a center or teaching in a school, it sings my heart to know that so many people are deeply cared for by these lovely souls.

Of course, I also enjoy the food stories – some make me salivate and others make me giggle. I encourage you to read them all.  Kerry’s is a repeat from a few years ago and is still as funny and meaningful as it was the first time.

Please scroll through all the upcoming offerings in the new year and share with others. We have a growing online international community of fellow seekers, and we encourage you to tell others about the new and returning courses. For some individuals, these courses have been a stepping stone to joining us in one of our full-year on-site programs.  Others, who cannot yet make that choice, appreciate the content that they tell us is changing their lives.

It is inspiring to read about the co-op ownership model for Rose Garden.  I would love to see this replicated in other places! Congratulations to Judy and the new co-owners!

We are working to assemble the Pioneer Ten who will launch our Continuation Program. If you are a LifeWays Graduate and have been asking for this program, give us a call with your questions. Of course, we are also excited about old and new locations for our LifeWays Certificate Program.  After all my years growing up and living off and on in Oklahoma, I am so delighted to be one of the Lead Teachers for a brand new training in Norman.  Please join me in my hometown—I certainly think of it as such, despite the fact that Michael and I sold our home there and moved to Sacramento this summer!

Many thanks to all who answered our one-question survey! LifeWays is in a dynamic developmental phase of exploring new ways to serve the needs of parents, caregivers, teachers and, of course, children.  We are paying attention to your requests, and we hope that many of you will become partners with us in creating new and engaging formats for meeting the needs of our times.

Our next newsletter is dedicated to the topic of Joy.  Michaeleen will be in touch with more specific ideas and we hope, once again to hear from many of you.

With gratitude and delight,
