Dialogue: A reflection by Acacia Moore

June 2024




As an extension of her work as Executive Director, Acacia Moore is setting the intention to keep a finger on the pulse of Waldorf, early childhood, childcare, etc. by establishing a rhythm of reading current articles on such things. Here she shares her reflections.

David Sewell McCann shares about the power of Dialogue


Acacia’s reflections to the article by David Sewell McCann


To dialogue means having to put down the weight of opinion, perceived concept, past experience and feelings. It means I’m coming to you, bare and open, ready to receive, reflect and exchange meaningfully. It means I’m fully present to you.

For the little one, my presence is entirely experienced, soaked up and used for nourishment. And, in exchange, I experience them entirely, observing and formulating a clear picture of who they are right now, free from all else. And with that picture, I am guided to meet them well.

As they grow, our dialogue also makes them feel seen & heard, validated & respected. It is an intentional tool for relationship building. “I put you first right now,” it says; and that carries forward in their mind and heart.

Then, as they become adolescents and young adults, it is also a means of supporting the decisions they make, in the freedom of their growing individuality, separate from what I resonate or agree with, but entirely supported. And it allows beliefs and concepts to form dynamically, with the pulse of life and in a compassionate response to a growing awareness of the world.

All that depth, all that guidance for me as a parent resides in the art of dialogue.