December 20, 2020
Love is a light that shines from heart to heart…
– John Denver
No matter one’s religious or spiritual path, winter can be honored as a season of peace and solitude in preparation for the dawning of Light and new Life. While Christmas and other festivals of light are celebrated months before the earth appears to be warming again, they may be seen as a symbolic and spiritual rebirth of light- the inner Light that connects us all.
For some the preparation begins all the way back at the end of summer, at Michaelmas. At that time, we take up the courage to face our “inner dragons”, the parts of ourselves we may not like so much. Then, through our inner contemplation and grappling, we again turn our sights outwards. At Martinmas and Thanksgiving, we consider with deep gratitude what good the world has given us and what good we might have to offer it.
And, now, as we prepare to face these darkest of months, we may persist in reflecting upon ourselves, digging ever so deeply into our hearts. Here we may find the basis of all life, that which binds us together, that which makes us One. That is the Light. That is the reason and the cause for celebration at this time. To move through our darkest nights, we must remember first that we are not alone, even when we seem to be. To fully realize the meaning of this connection is our greatest purpose.
No matter your path, I encourage you to take time this season…
… To invite stillness into your heart.
… To open wide, and listen.
…. To look upon yourself and upon others with gentleness.
… To let love into every corner of your heart, every vulnerable space, every foreboding shadow of self-doubt or self-hatred. Let it in to fill you up. Let it come beaming out of you as the glorious gift to the world that you truly are as mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, educators and care providers. Then we will, together with the ones we serve, be a true celebration of the Light.
We invite you to join us for a vey special FREE online event tomorrow evening for the Winter Solstice. Registration is required, so be sure to click below for the details and register today!