See our Directory for a LifeWays early childhood program near you.
Experience the joy of home-like, mixed-age childcare. Our unique, relationship-based care can be found in homes and centers throughout North America. Children thrive in the warm, “home away from home” atmosphere of LifeWays center-based and in-home child care. Mixed-age, family-style groupings support the relationship-based care children need — with one another, with family and community, and with the same care providers year after year. Life is the curriculum for young children, including the social, domestic and nurturing arts. Creativity is fostered through imaginative play, music, movement, games, and artistic activities. A strong connection with nature, natural toys and whole foods rounds out the experiences that rhythmically support children’s optimal development.
The LifeWays approach was developed out of the work of Rudolf Steiner and other developmental specialists. LifeWays programs, half-day and full-day, vary in the ages they accept, from infants through kindergarten-aged children. The “home-like” feeling of LifeWays is also ideal for after-school programs in centers and elementary schools, as well as for parent-child programs. Read the Ten LifeWays Principles.
To experience the wide range of LifeWays care, look at the photo essays from three representative programs, the first in a large center with 22 children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the second in a home with twelve 1-5 year olds and the last in a rural setting in Maine.
LifeWays of Milwaukee offers home-like care for 22 children each day, ages three months to six years in three mixed-age family suites. See photos.
Rainbow Bridge LifeWays Program offered an enriching program for 1-5 year olds in a home setting in Boulder, Colorado until its founders’ recent retirement. The program ran from 8:30 until 12:30 or 3:30, with a maximum of 12 children each day. See photos.
Spindlewood Waldorf Kindergarten and LifeWays Center enrolls 14 children in Lincolnville, Maine in a renovated cabin which has been lovingly added to over the course of Spindlewood’s twenty-six year history. Spindlewood was recently visited by Elizabeth Lunt, Kindergarten Teacher at Ashwood Waldorf School, as part of its accreditation process with WECAN, the Waldorf Early Childhood Association. To read her glowing report, click here. See additional photos.
For a more detailed description of the principles and practices of LifeWays childcare, click on the additional menu items shown on the right, including the Directory of LifeWays Early Childhood Programs.