Jerilyn Cole Burke – Communications Coordinator

Jerilyn Cole Burke is an avid traveler and has worked with children and families from all over the world. In addition to her LifeWays training, Jerilyn holds certification from Hand in Hand Parenting, Community Supported Postpartum, and received her Waldorf teacher training in Toronto. She earned a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Humanities – focusing on Art History, Communication Arts, and Music. She was a lead kindergarten and nursery teacher for many years and served as department chair and new teacher mentor. She was a group facilitator and co-presenter for The Anthroposophical Society in America’s Applied Anthroposophy course and has served as an Early Childhood Advisor for a NYC nonprofit that focuses on mental and physical fitness. Her writing has been published in outlets such as Being Human, Whole Family Rhythms, Kindling, and the LifeWays newsletter. Jerilyn enjoys finding the golden threads between anthroposophy and other philosophical and spiritual paths – past and present. She lives with her husband and three children near the Delaware River in Eastern Pennsylvania.